Friday, June 1, 2007


Well I know that I haven't posted in quite a while. I will try to post at least once a week in the future. My family and I left last Saturday, June 26th for the Outer Banks. We stopped in Greensboro, NC, and spent the evening with my wife's aunt, uncle and cousin. We arose Sunday morning and visited Providence OPC and had a nice worship with them. I have always wanted to attend a church as we passed through a town. We continued on our way after church and arrived to our beautiful beach house around 7:oo PM. Tracy and I headed to the store and picked up some groceries for the week.

The week has been very relaxing. We have spent several days at the beach riding the waves and collecting shells. We took a day trip to Ocracoke Island. This was really neat. We drove our van on to a ferry and sailed 6 miles to the island. We met up with one of Tracy's blogging friends and toured a lighthouse with her.

We ate out one evening at a local restaurant called Barefoot Bernies. This was a real treat that we had planned. You see the owner is a huge Steelers fan and we just had to go due to that fact. We were decked out in our Steeler best. We did get to meet the owner and talked with him about the Steeler's chances for the upcoming season. It has amazed me as to how many Pennsylvania plates we have seen out here.

Our plans for the last two days are to spend one of them back at the ocean and one at a park flying kites and a village of a lost colony. We will head back for home Sunday morning. We will have to miss a week of worship as the drive will take about 12 hours.

Vacation is great and I have really enjoyed the time off from work. It has been great seeing all of God's creation out here. We truly do serve an awesome God. I am looking forward to getting back home and checking out the garden. I am quite sure that things will have grown alot. Including the weeds that will be waiting for me to pull them out.


Autumn said...

Thanks for taking us on vacation Dad! I'm having a blast. I think the I like going to Ocracoke and Roanoke best.

Collin said...

Vacation was Awesome. I enjoyed thursday when we boogie-boarded all day the best. Thanks for taking us!!

Karen said...

Hi Verne!
I've been reading here but never commented.
I just have to tell you that your family is precious! (I know I don't have to tell YOU that.) Your children are so genuine, and I've enjoyed reading their sweet comments on my daughter's blog. You and Tracy have done a wonderful job raising them to love Jesus. It really shows.
I'm glad you all had such a good time on vacation. It's nice to get away, but even nicer to come home again.